Eclipses and Sunshine (8-21-17)

I woke up this morning and wanted to share a thought about the eclipse and the sun shining.  #timely 

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months you are probably aware of the fact that today the moon will pass between the earth and the sun creating a solar eclipse.  Depending on where you are, there are some areas of the world that will be in total darkness and there will be some areas of the world that will witness a partial eclipse.

Recently we tried to explain this phenomenon to my daughters.  Alice wanted to know why it would be dark during the day time.  She asked why the sun wouldn’t be shining.  We explained to her that the sun is shining, and in fact the sun is always shining.  In this case, it will be dark because something will block the light and cast a shadow.  We also explained that even during night the sun is still shining, it’s just our part of the earth has turned its back to the sun at that point.

What does this have to do with anything?  Sometimes life sucks.  Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the dark gloomy clouds or the shade that some event can throw our way.  It could be something that happened at work, something that is going on at home, or something else.  It doesn’t always take much to eclipse our sun and leave us with darkness.  Even if you are in darkness it doesn’t mean the light is gone.  It doesn’t mean the light has stopped shining.  The light might just be blocked, and hopefully with your strength and the strength of the people who care about you, you can outlast a period of time in the shadows and eventually find warmth again.

The only other thing I’d ask you to consider is to keep getting your shine on.  You never know how far your light reaches our who needs your light on any given day.

Have a jolly good day,

Andrew Embry

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