Omelets, Being New, and Adding Flavor to Culture (10-4-23)

This will be the last in the series of lessons I’ve learned from being new to a role.  This week we will reflect on omelets, being new, and adding your flavor to the culture.

I eat an omelet for breakfast almost every morning.  It always starts with 2 large brown eggs, and then from there I’ll mix and match different ingredients.  Each ingredient I add brings a new element to the omelet, changing its flavor profile.  Sometimes, I’ll want something with a bit of a kick, so I’ll use ghost pepper cheese and restaurant style salsa.  Sometimes, I’ll want a big hearty omelet with American cheese and sausage mixed inside.  Sometimes, I’ll want something smooth like white cheddar and turkey with a little dash of something extra in the form of sweet onion salsa.

What does this have to do with being new?  In the analogy above, I talk about how the omelet always starts with two large brown eggs.  I don’t keep adding eggs to the omelet, because if I did all I would have is more eggs.  Instead, I want a unique flavor, so I bring in different ingredients with each of them making their own special addition to the omelet.  It’s the combination of the ingredients that transforms the eggs into the omelet.  In a way, the eggs represent the base culture of a team that you’re joining.  That would make us the ingredients that can bring unique flavors.  Even if you feel you can’t start delivering “traditional value” right when you are first starting out, you can bring energy to your team.  Some people bring a jolting boost of fun, adding laughs to the team.  Some people bring a crisp focus, enabling the team to prioritize what matters.  Some people bring grit, helping the team fight through tough times.  We all have something that is uniquely us.  If you’re new to a team (or even if you’ve been there awhile) you always have the ability to share that with the team.  You always have the opportunity to bring a little bit of your own flavor to enhance the culture around you.

The challenge: What flavor will you ADD to your team?

Have a jolly good day,

Andrew Embry